Community Bursary Recipients

PIA Law is pleased to recognize the annual recipients of the Community Healthcare Professional Education Bursary.
Fall 2015
Jennifer Kingdon
Kingdon & Associates
IBIA – Eleventh World Congress on Brain Injury in the Hague, the Netherlands
“The bursary money was well spent. At the Eleventh World Congress on Brain Injury I learned about cutting edge research from around the world and made some great connections with others in the field of TBI. This will enable me to enhance my therapy techniques, report writing, presentations and conversations around TBI. Thanks to PIA for giving me this bursary. It has proven very useful and much appreciated.”
Spring 2016
Jacquelyn Bonneville
Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy
Matheson’s Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluation training in Surrey, British Columbia
Bursary Report: Click here to download the PDF.
“When I was selected to receive the PIA Law bursary, I was absolutely ecstatic; I immediately thought of my clients who would benefit from my participation in the Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluation course. Without the funding from PIA Law, I could not have afforded the tuition fee or the travel costs to Vancouver.”
Fall 2016
Leslie Birkett
I CAN Community Based Assessment of Executive Functioning
IBIA – 12th World Congress on Brain Injury in New Orleans, Louisiana
Deidre Sperry
I CAN Community Based Assessment of Executive Functioning
IBIA – 12th World Congress on Brain Injury in New Orleans, Louisiana