Please join us at the 2nd Annual BIST Community Agency Fair on Wednesday, May 10th, 2017.
The member firms of PIA Law, comprised of McLeish Orlando, Oatley Vigmond and Thomson Rogers, are honoured to be the Corporate Sponsors of the Community Agency Fair and the BIST ALIVE Expressive Art Show.
This FREE Fair is an opportunity for brain injury survivors, their families and professional caregivers to discover the various resources available to them throughout the GTA. It’s also a great opportunity for local community-oriented agencies to promote their services to a community whose disabilities and challenges are often not recognized.
The Fair will host 50 organizations offering various services.
For more information, please visit: Community Agency Fair & BIST Alive Expressive Art Show
If you have any questions, please contact the Brain Injury Association of Toronto at 416-830-1485 or
Hope to see you there!