The Personal Injury Alliance: Windsor
When you have been severely injured, finding the right personal injury lawyer can make the difference between a minimal award and compensation that ensures a financially secure future.
So how do you find an accident lawyer with the experience and skill to help you get the compensation you deserve? If you’re searching for a personal injury lawyer in Windsor, contact the Personal Injury Alliance™, an alliance of three of Canada’s top 10 personal injury law firms. Comprised of Oatley, Vigmond, Thomson, Rogers or McLeish Orlando, the PIA helps victims of serious accidents easily find the legal help they need after they have been seriously injured.
These firms have achieved some of Canada’s largest settlements, and are known for their willingness to take cases to trial. As a result, all three firms have the respect of the legal community and of insurers, who are well aware of their reputations for getting fair results for severely injured clients.
If you would like to speak to someone about your situation, please contact the Personal Injury Alliance for a free consultation.
Consultation Form
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